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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm



Sharing what Jesus taught and what the Bible has to say relative to present day issues.

'The reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.'  Jesus - John 18:37


The 'elephant in the room' that most Christians and churches don't want to talk about.

What did Jesus say?

What does the Bible really say?

Are 'Gays' born 'Gay'?  What about children who experience same sex attraction?

Click the LGBTQ tab

Jesus - Does He Matter?

A very crucial question.

What does the Bible say?

Some information to help you decide.

Click the Jesus tab.



Racism and the American Church

What happened in 'Christian' America?

Religion's role. 

Why didn't the Civil War teach us our lesson?

What does the Bible say? 

Click the Racism tab. 

Was Darwin right?

Did Jesus say anything about evolution?

How old is the earth? 

How old is man?

What does the Bible say?

Click the Evolution tab.


Is Jesus Really the Only Way?

What about decent people who believe in God but not Jesus?

What about people in deep jungles, etc., who have never heard of Jesus?

What about people in Old Testament times before Jesus came - how could they be saved if Jesus is the only way?

Click the 'Salvation' tab.


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