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Bible verses in blue

Jesus' words in red

Darwins' words in green


 What did Jesus say? - What does the Bible say? – What does the evidence show?


    "The plain language of the New Testament seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my father, brother and    almost all my friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is a damnable doctrine." Charles Darwin

    "I am sorry to inform you that I do not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, and therefore not in Jesus as the Son of God."

    Charles Darwin

    ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’  Genesis 1:1


    'At the beginning of creation God made them male and female.’  Jesus - Mark 10:6


    ‘Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from    what has been made, so that man is without excuse.’  Romans 1:20



April 20, 1882, was a day of extreme importance.

On that day the union between Darwin’s evolutionary theory and England, both church and state, was permanently sealed. It was on that day that Charles Darwin, who had died the previous day, was buried inside Westminster Abbey in London. You can see his tomb there today - in the north aisle of the nave if you visit. Near where kings and queens are crowned – and royal weddings are performed – and church services are still held.


Charles Darwin was not the first person to put forth ideas on evolution, but he was far and away the most important, as his theories were accepted by not only most of the scientific community of his day, but also by much of the religious community. And that has continued to this day.


Charles Darwin and his predecessors and his followers have set their teachings directly against the teachings of the Bible and of Jesus himself. Which is correct is of the upmost importance:


-      If Darwinian evolutionists are correct, then those who have put their faith in Jesus and who believe the Bible is accurate have been massively deceived and they will not go to heaven - but rather simply die as an advanced animal just like the evolutionists.

-      If Jesus is correct and the Bible is accurate, then those who have put their faith in Darwinian evolution have been massively deceived and they will not go to heaven - but spend eternity separated from God. Darwin was correct – ‘this is a damnable doctrine.’



What Is Darwinian Evolution?

How it happened evolution can't fully explain, but the following 'just happened' - without God.

Once upon a time a quark 'just happened' (whether there is anything smaller than a quark we don't yet know)

Quarks got together and 'just happened' to form protons and neutrons.

Electrons 'just happened' to appear and 'just happened' to start spinning around neutrons and protons to form atoms.

Atoms 'just happened' to get together to form different types of molecules.

Molecules 'just happened' to get together in different ways to form cells.

Once upon a time a cell 'just happened' to come alive - how life could come from non-life is a mystery to evolutionists.

Cells 'just happened' to be able to reproduce and cells 'just happened' to reproduce in different ways to create every living thing.

As you read this there are approximately 30 trillion (30,000,000,000,000) cells in your body and just one typical cell has around 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) atoms. A total in your body of about 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms - give or take a few zillion.

All that 'just happened' over time.  


Evolution doesn’t really answer how life began – Darwin speculated that perhaps lightning struck a pond and somehow life began, but however life began Darwinian evolution basically teaches that once life started it changed over time - through natural selection, sexual selection, mutations, etc. - and that original life evolved into all life we see today and all life is related to that original life form.


Darwin and his followers believe the theory of evolution explains both basic types of evolution:

Microevolution – change within species.

    An example of microevolution would be the documented changes of Darwin’s finches. Over time Darwin documented changes in their beaks, etc. – but they stayed finches.


    Or consider dogs. We can selectively breed dogs with certain traits over and over and over until we have a new dog breed. Many different dog   breeds can be developed this way – but they remain dogs. We can't develop a cat by selectively breeding dogs.  


Macroevolution – this would include change from one species to an entirely different species over time. 


    For example, Darwin said this - in the first edition of his famous book “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, regarding North American black bears -  which were known to catch insects by swimming in the water with their mouths open:


    “I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more aquatic in their structure and habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.” 

    Darwin certainly had a vivid imagination.


    Darwin was ridiculed about this swimming bears passage and so it was removed from later editions of his book. Today many scientists believe  Darwin had the right idea but the wrong animal. Many today believe the last shore dwelling ancestor of modern whales was a ‘Sinonyx’ – a hyena-  like animal.


    If you can imagine a hyena jumping in the water - swimming and changing over time through natural selection, sexual selection, mutation, or  whatever - into a huge whale - then you get the idea how macroevolution supposedly works. The unusual thing is that we don’t see hyena’s or any other animals jumping into the ocean and becoming whales today.


    This same macroevolutionary process supposedly holds true for human beings:


    Over millions or billions of years the original simple life form evolved and evolved and evolved until it 'just happened' to become the first cell, and this first cell 'just happened' to evolve and evolve up through different branches of an evolutionary tree - with some cells 'just happening' to come together to become plants, some cells 'just happening' to come together to become butterflies, some cells 'just happening' to come together to become majestic eagles, some cells 'just happening' to come together to become barracudas - and camels and spiders and lobsters and lions and tigers and squirrels and hummingbirds - etc., etc., etc., - until it 'just so happened' that 37 trillion cells of various types 'just happened' to come together just right - to become you - and others like you. 

And among the 37 trillion cells we humans have, about 180 billion 'just happened' to come together to form a 3 pound organ we call the brain.  And within our 3 pound brain there 'just happens' to be 100 billion neuron cells –  special cells that 'just happen' to be able to send electrochemical signals to other neurons. (How did they learn to do that?) These neurons are interconnected via trillions of what we call synapses – with a single firing neuron communicating to possibly thousands of other neurons in a single moment. For each of the 100 billion neurons there are 10 to 50 glial cells providing structural support, protection, resources and more. This 'just happened' over time.

Your brain 'just happens' to be able to monitor your heart, all your other organs, all your muscles, all your bones, your teeth, your nose, your ears, etc., etc., etc., etc.


Yet for all this work the human brain operates on only the same amount of power as a 10 watt light bulb.

Not only that - but this brain has allowed humans to build rocket ships to fly to the moon, build cars to drive to the grocery store, and build trains and submarines and sky scrapers and cell phones and x-ray machines. And play all kinds of musical instruments and paint all kinds of beautiful paintings and perform all kinds of incredible medical procedures and play all kinds of sports and build TV's to watch them on, etc., etc., etc.

Does it really make any sense that your brain 'just happened' to come together like that?

When you go to the zoo, can you imagine one of those apes evolving and being able to design and build a simple wrist watch? Picture that for a minute. 

No really - picture that for a minute. Picture an ape evolving and building a wrist watch.

Doesn't it make even less sense than Darwin imagining a black bear becoming a whale?


The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades, the area of your lungs is similar to that of a tennis court, you have 60 thousand (60,000) miles of blood vessels and the blood in them, (how did blood 'just happen' to learn to clot when you get a cut?) - you can love - hate, remember-plan, create-destroy, talk-read, veg out on the couch-exercise, read books-listen to music. 

Over 100 million cells 'just happened' to come together to create your eyes - which are connected to the brain. (how could that have evolved?)

And what about sex - how did that evolve? What came first - a man or a woman? How did they 'just happen' to be designed sexually for each other? 

The smallest cell in the human body is the male sperm cell - which although made in the male is actually designed for the female (how did that just happen?) – and one of the largest cells in the human body is the female egg . The female egg is about the same size as a grain of sand and can actually be seen with the naked eye.

Men produce around 10 million sperm cells a day, on average a woman’s body produces a half million eggs during her lifetime. When they get together just right (the sperm cell swims to the egg - how did it learn to do that?) - fertilization happens and the egg attaches to the woman's uterus. (how did the egg learn to do that?)  Studies are now suggesting that the female egg actually chooses which sperm to let in. Once a sperm has made it's way in, the outer layer of the egg hardens, which prevents entry from any other suitors.


Quite an evolutionary feat - according to the evolutionist. From one cell to 37 trillion cells interconnected – with the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system designed for each other.

Have you ever held a baby in your arms – could that really have 'just happened'? 

Any kind of baby - a little puppy or a baby kitten, a baby bird or a baby horse, a baby turtle or a baby giraffe, a baby gorilla or a baby duck. 


'For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that man is without excuse.' The Bible - Romans 1:20

The Missing Link Fallacy


To get to you and your 37 trillion cells working together from an ape, or whatever humans supposedly evolved from, there should be thousands and thousands and thousands of intermediate forms (or missing links) showing gradual change from that ape until you.


Is that what we see? No – when we go to the zoo we see apes - and nothing in between them and us.


The evolutionists give us evidence like ‘Lucy’ – a 3’ 7” tall ape like animal. They tell us Lucy was alive about 3 million years ago and we evolved from her. If this is correct, then there should be thousands and thousands and thousands of intermediate forms between ‘Lucy’ and us today.  And with that many intermediate forms just in the last 3 million years they should be finding them everywhere. Is that what we see – no we don’t.


If you start paying attention, you will notice that every few months there will be a story in the pro-evolution media regarding possibly finding the ‘missing link.’  This is misleading – in fact there should be thousands and thousands of missing links. But more than that we should be able to see the links or intermediate forms happening today. Do we see hyena’s jumping in the water and becoming whales? Are fishermen catching sea creatures halfway between a hyena and a whale? Anywhere do we see apes 1% - 2% - 3% -10% -50% - on the way to becoming humans? No we don’t - not at the zoo – not in nature today – not in fossils – not in bones. Nowhere.

If Darwinian evolution is true - we should see millions and millions of 'missing links' - or intermediate forms - living on earth today. All kinds of animals, birds, fish, monkeys, snakes, bees, spiders, etc., etc., in various stages of change into other species.

Is that what we see? No. Spiders are spinning their webs, bees are busy pollinating, snakes are slithering, birds are building nests and birds are hatching from their eggs, monkeys are swinging through trees, whales are still whales, apes are still apes. Do we see species in various stages of becoming other species? No we don't.  



What did Jesus say about creation?


 Jesus said: ‘God created the world’ Mark 13:19


 Jesus said: ‘at the beginning of creation God made them male and female.Mark 10:6


In Luke 11:51 and Matthew 23:35 Jesus said Abel – a son of Adam and Eve – was a real person.


Jesus taught that God created everything.


Jesus was not a scientist – Charles Darwin and modern-day scientists are – so what are Jesus’ qualifications to comment on creation?


Jesus was there – an eyewitness!


Jesus prayed the night before he was crucified: “I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.” John 17:4-5


‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. . . . The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.' 

John 1:1-3,14


The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together.’ Colossians 1:15-17

Jesus said he would be crucified and then rise from the dead on the third day - and then he pulled it off.

Who do you think knows more about creation - Jesus - or Darwin or one of Darwin's followers?

How old does the Bible say the earth is?


Genesis 1:1 - ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:2 - 'Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.’ 


Among those who accept the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible there are two main interpretations as to the age of the earth:


1)  The earth is relatively young – maybe even only about 10,000 years old.


    This interpretation takes the position that Genesis 1:1 makes a basic declaration about creation – and then Genesis 1:2 and beyond gives a   description of how this creation happened.


    Based on people in the Bible and their family lines, as well as taking the 7 days of creation as literal days or short periods, the estimate of 10,000 years or less is achieved.


    Those who hold to a young earth position believe that catastrophic events including the flood in Noah’s day explain why things can appear to be older.


    Info on the young earth position can be found on many sites including: answersingenesis.org, creationtoday.org, creation.com, icr.org, and others.


2)  The earth is not young but perhaps millions or billions of years old.

    Those who believe this fall into two main camps:


    - The 'Gap' theory 

    This interpretation takes the position that there is a period of time (or a gap) between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Genesis 1:1 is a statement about original creation (In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth) but then something happened to cause the earth to become ‘formless and void’ (Now the earth was formless and void) and starting in Genesis 1:2 is a re-creation. How long this ‘gap’ or period of time is unknown, but this theory allows for the earth to be very old. (There are many suggestions as to what happened during this ‘gap’ – but these are just man’s speculations. If there was a gap the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what happened during this time.)


    Those who hold to a ‘gap’ theory say that in the original Hebrew the Old Testament was written in – that starting in Gen 1:2 the original language refers to a recreation of something that previously existed, and not the original creation from nothing which the original Hebrew language in Genesis 1:1 means. 


    An internet search of ‘gap theory’ can provide additional information.

    - The 'Days' of creation represent periods of time

    How long these periods of time were is unknown.

    Those that hold to this hold to the fact that 'days' is used in various ways in the Bible. 

    For example, Peter said: 'Do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a     day.'  II Peter 3:8


How old is man according to the Bible?


Whether one holds to the young or old earth position - according to the Bible man in his present form would be less than 10,000 years old based on genealogical records found in the Bible.


Jesus said: “At the beginning of creation God made them male and female.’ 


There are differences of opinion between those who believe in the Bible as to whether the days of creation were literal, 24 hour days like today, days but longer than 24 hours, or periods of time - but based on biblical genealogies in the Bible, Adam would have been created less than ten thousand years ago. 

Did God create man through evolution? Not according to Jesus and not according to the Bible.


    Genesis 2:7 – ‘Then God formed a man from the dust of the ground, and breathed life into his nostrils and man became a living being.’

      ‘Then God made woman from the man.’ Genesis 2:22


    First – God formed the man from the ground – not from animals


    Second – God breathed life into man 


    God formed man before he was alive – he did not evolve from a living animal.

    Third - oThe first woman was made by God from the man - not through evolution or reproduction.


'In the beginning God made them male and female.' Jesus - Mark 10:6

 What about Theistic Evolution?

There are some differences between those who believe in theistic evolution, but basically theistic evolution is an attempt to combine both what the Bible teaches and the theory of evolution.


As noted above, in Genesis 2 the Bible teaches:


‘God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils life, and the man became a living being.’ Genesis 2:7


Man did not evolve from an animal.


Then starting in Genesis 2:8: God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work and care for it. And God brought animals and birds, etc. to the man to be named. 


After this God caused the man to go into a deep sleep and “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man.”  Genesis 2:22


God used the ground to create the first man and then used part of the first man and made the first woman.


According to the Bible the first man and first woman did not evolve from animals. Any type of theistic evolution that teaches that the first man and woman evolved from animals or fish or whatever directly rejects the plain teaching of the Bible and of Jesus himself who said: 'In the beginning God created them male and female.' 


Many Christian colleges and seminaries now teach forms of theistic evolution as fact. In an effort to fit in with the evolutionary scientific community many of them have slid into anti-biblical teaching – just as many colleges and seminaries have slid into non- biblical teaching regarding salvation coming only through faith in Jesus - and liberal teaching regarding the accuracy of Scripture.


Nowhere does the bible teach that God created man through evolution. Jesus said God created man and woman.

The person who says man evolved from animals has set themselves up as superior in knowledge than Jesus.

Why does it matter?


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1


Belief in this verse is foundational and makes believing the rest of the Bible easy. For example: If God created the heavens and the earth - how hard would it have been for God to create a big fish to swallow Jonah? How hard would it be for Him to create a flood?


Jesus said, ‘Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of a huge fish.’ Matthew 12:40

Jesus also talked about the flood: ‘Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.’ Luke 17:26-27


Jesus said these stories were true – the world mocks these stories.


And if God could create the heavens and the earth, and man from the dust of the ground, how hard would it be for him to perform all the miracles mentioned in the Bible?

It would not be hard for him at all.


It is no wonder that the creation story in Genesis is so attacked and mocked.


The Bible says: ‘Satan masquerades as an angel of light.’ II Corinthians 11:14


Who do people look to for ‘light’ in the modern day?


Scientists - clergy – professors - political leaders - famous people – rich people - business leaders - social media stars - etc.


That is where Satan is attempting to work to turn people away from Jesus.


Was Satan at work in getting Charles Darwin buried in Westminster Abbey? Who knows?


Satan has used Darwin’s works to influence millions and millions to abandon or reject Jesus and the Bible and the Christian faith. Our children are taught Darwinian evolution in schools as though it is proven fact, preachers have embraced the theory of evolution instead of the Bible, horrific leaders have embraced Darwinian evolution to justify the supposed superiority of themselves and their race and the killing of multiplied millions, racists use the teaching of evolution to put down entire classes of people.


Darwin would be shocked to know the influence he has had.   


If you are a Christian who believes Jesus and the Bible are accurate regarding creation, don’t be surprised if you are mocked. Remember, Jesus was mocked - and Jesus is really the one being mocked when they mock you.

The world tried to stop Jesus’ and his teaching by killing him - and the world has been trying to stop Jesus’ teaching through his followers ever since.


Jesus said: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


A fuller teaching from Jesus quoted above regarding the flood is found in the gospel of Luke, chapter 17, verses 24-30.


               “For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. But first he must    suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

                Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

               It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom,   fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.

               It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.”  - Jesus


According to Jesus, a day is coming when anti-Christian evolutionists will finally realize they have been mocking the wrong person.